Patient advocacy groups

Advance patient insights and research initiatives with connected data

Access the nation’s largest health data ecosystem to create holistic patient views, deepen research, and identify strategic sponsorships.
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Group of team members sitting around a conference table while the team leader leads the discussion
Products and solutions

Gain end-to-end connectivity while ensuring compliance

Utilize privacy-preserving record linkage to conduct data overlaps. Ensure regulatory compliance of new datasets through expert determinations.
Doctor interacting with a tablet

Datavant Connect

Develop a holistic view of your patients

Enrich patient-donated data with real-world data in a privacy-preserving manner. Create a 360 longitudinal view, inform research, and advance therapy development.
Increase the utility of your patient data by overlaying mortality and SDOH data
Solve for missing clinical endpoints and develop insights into patient outcomes
Integrate lab, genomic, and sensor data for accelerated treatment research
Learn more
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Doctor discussing contents of a tablet with a patient

Health Data Retrieval

Acquire missing clinical data without hindering patients

Increase the utility of your natural history and observational research studies with clinical records.
Access an ecosystem of EMR data providers to identify missing endpoints
Leverage record retrieval services to access the holistic patient view
Maintain control over the access and use of your datasets
Learn more
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Team members discussing papers attached to a whiteboard behind them

Real-World Data Ecosystem

Cultivate industry sponsorships for patient initiatives and education

Minimize expenses and reduce time spent on identifying industry engagement opportunities. Access a data connectivity platform with over 600 data partners.
Attract industry sponsors by demonstrating the availability of your data assets
Share patient insights while upholding privacy standards and maintaining data quality
Manage permissions, assess compatibilities, and collaborate securely
Explore the real-world data ecosystem
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Datavant does not own, aggregate, or sell data. Our open-ecosystem approach gives you complete control over your data and your partnerships.


Access Datavant’s network of networks, including 300+ real-world data partners and 70% of the 100 largest health systems.


Adhere to HIPAA standards and fulfill IRB requirements with Datavant’s FedRAMP® authorized, SOC II certified platform.
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The realization of national data linkage to support collaborative analytics would not be possible without Datavant’s technology, and is foundational to the success of the N3C [National COVID Cohort Collaborative].

Melissa Haendel, PhD
Marsico Chair in Data Science and Chief Research Informatics Officer
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Principal Investigator for N3C
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Privacy-preserving record linkages enable us to really learn from the experience and outcomes of every patient in a way that protects the individuals involved...

Warren Kibbe Ph.D, FACMI
Chief of Translational Biomedical Informatics in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Duke University

Explore our offerings

Ready to improve patient outcomes?

Reach out to learn how connected data can advance patient insights and research initiatives.

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