Worth the Effort? Unlocking Unique Insights from Unstructured Patient Data

September 14, 2023
2:00 pm
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Meet the speakers

Weill Cornell Medicine
Mark Weiner
Deputy CIO for Health System and Research Analytics
Harris Computer
Douglas Lee
VP Operations & Chief Data Officer
Nam Nguyen
VP Solutions - Informatics & Data Science
Quinn Johns
Privacy Solutions Lead

About the webinar

It’s commonly said that 80%+ of patients’ health data is “unstructured” – but what does that really mean? How much of this unstructured patient record is accessible, what does it take to make it ready for use, and exactly what kind of insights and value can be derived from it?

Dive into the universe of unstructured health data, its usefulness for research and analysis, and the primary challenges that hold back widespread accessibility. Learn about:

  • Patient experiences uniquely captured by unstructured data
  • High-value research and product development that rely on unstructured data
  • Technical and regulatory challenges associated with utilizing unstructured data

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