What Does Healthcare Technology Look Like in 2050?

October 1, 2022
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Meet the speakers

Robert Cohen
President, Digital, Robotics, and Enabling Technology
Bakul Patel
Senior Director, Global Digital Health Strategy & Regulatory
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Carrie Wolinetz
Deputy Director for Health & Life Sciences
Graphite Health
Ryan Smith
Arif Nathoo
CEO & Co-Founder

About the webinar

Healthcare technology has transformed in the last 30 years, and will look dramatically different in the next 30 years. This panel, hosted at the 2022 Future of Health Data Summit, envisions what healthcare will and should look like in 2050, and what we need to be doing now to make this vision a reality.

Speakers included:

  • Robert Cohen, President, Digital, Robotics, and Enabling Technology, Stryker
  • Bakul Patel, Senior Director, Global Digital Health Strategy & Regulatory, Google & Former Chief Digital Health Officer, FDA
  • Ryan Smith, COO, Graphite Health
  • Carrie Wolinetz, Deputy Director for Health & Life Sciences, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

This panel was moderated by Arif Nathoo, CEO & Co-Founder, Komodo.

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