The Digital Landscape for Mental Health: Using Technology to Drive Outcomes

October 25, 2023
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Meet the speakers

Regina Holliday
Patient Advocate
The Ohio State University
Timothy Huerta
CRIO and Associate Dean, College of Medicine
Parkinson’s Foundation
Meri-Margaret Deoudes
Geode Health
Ravi N. Shah
Chief Medical Officer
Tony Tramontin
President, Chief Operating Officer

About the webinar

The data tells us that mental health practitioners lag behind other healthcare providers in their incorporation of patient data into their practice. This panel discussed successful data interventions within the mental health ecosystem and how these could be expanded upon to improve mental health practice and patient access.

Speakers included:

  • Regina Holliday, Patient Advocate, Artist
  • Meri-Margaret Deoudes, SVP and COO, Parkinson’s Foundation
  • Timothy Huerta, CRIO and Associate Dean, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University
  • Ravi N. Shah, Chief Medical Officer, Geode Health

This panel was moderated by Tony Tramontin, President, Chief Operating Officer, Holmusk.

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