Precision Medicine in the Era of Genomics

October 1, 2022
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Meet the speakers

Amy Abernethy
President, Clinical Research Platforms
Stanford University School of Medicine
Lloyd Minor
NIH - All of Us
Andrea Ramirez
Chief Data Officer
Foundation Medicine
Gaurav Singal
Healthcare Advisor and Investor, Former Chief Data Officer

About the webinar

The intersection of increasingly accessible genomic-based sequencing and technology platforms with expanding sources of patients’ digital health data has created an opportunity to drive adoption and impact of precision medicine. This panel, hosted at Datavant’s 2022 Future of Health Data Summit, examines the opportunities and challenges to transforming personalized patient care.

Speakers include:

  • Amy Abernethy, President, Clinical Research Platforms, Verily
  • Lloyd Minor, Dean, Stanford University School of Medicine
  • Andrea Ramirez, Chief Data Officer, NIH – All of Us

This panel was moderated by Gaurav Singal, Former Chief Data Officer, Foundation Medicine.

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