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Datavant Announces New Tools to Power Enterprise Data Connectivity

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May 23, 2023
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Today, we’re announcing our enterprise data connectivity solution, which enables our partners to bring together disparate datasets in a controlled and compliant way, with a bird’s eye view of all data connectivity projects across their organization.

Leading pharmaceutical companies work with hundreds of first and third-party data sources, and dozens of analytics platforms. One major challenge is that these sources and platforms are rarely interoperable. As a result, bringing together data from different parties can take months, if not years. This translates into under-utilization of data and foregone insights from clinical development to commercial launch. While many companies aspire to approach this systematically across the enterprise by building something new, Datavant accelerates the journey by working with your existing infrastructure and partners to unlock enterprise data connectivity.

The data strategy challenges that our customers face

Let’s use the example of a pharmaceutical company that wants to create an enterprise data strategy spanning their own data from Research and Development (e.g., trial data, genomic screening tests) and Commercial (e.g., specialty pharmacy networks, patient HUBs), along with commercially licensed data assets (e.g., claims database, oncology EHR dataset, etc.). Historically the company’s data acquisition and analysis has been decentralized, resulting in huge amounts of under-utilized data and unrealized value.

Today, the company wants:

  1. A holistic enterprise-wide view of what data they have and how it is being used
  2. A path to activating that data for specific use cases with the least possible friction
  3. Assurance that all data is being used in a controlled and compliant way

How might the company unlock value from connecting their data? Here are a few examples:

  • Enable a long-term monitoring strategy across their R&D portfolio by connecting tokenized trial patients to comprehensive claims databases
  • Pool multiple data sources to create statistically significant synthetic control arms for oncology studies
  • Connect genomic test results to claims data in order to build a predictive model that helps diagnose potential rare disease patients sooner
  • Bring together dispense and claims data from multiple pharmacies and insurers to understand adherence and switching behavior

Sophisticated clinical development, real world evidence, and commercial analytics teams are pursuing many of these use cases today. The next step is working systematically across the enterprise to see all data assets at a glance, understand how they’re being activated, and ensure their use in a controlled and compliant way.  

The same challenges pharmaceutical companies face are shared by large insurers, medical device companies, research networks, and government agencies. Organizations across healthcare need enterprise data connectivity to help them realize the full value of their data.

Unlocking the power of enterprise-wide data connectivity

Organizations need a way to bring data together quickly, seamlessly and compliantly — and then send it where it needs to go. One way of framing the task is through four types of connections that an organization needs to manage:

  • Source connections to all the relevant sources of data needed to solve a particular problem (e.g., claims data source, SDOH data source, first party data)
  • Application connections to the relevant applications needed to process the data and ensure that it is useful to address the problem (e.g., data quality score, synthetic data generator)
  • Platform connections to those that can provide integrated analytics and solutions relevant to the particular problem (e.g., oncology analytics platforms, patient journey mapping tools, commercial analytics dashboards)
  • User connections that allow connected, useful data to be sent to the end user (e.g., an internal analytics team, consultancy, or customer)

To unlock the power of enterprise data connectivity, no one wants to start from scratch. In most organizations, these connections consist of dozens of bespoke data projects, with spreadsheets attempting to keep track of everything. The key to moving from one-off projects to enterprise data connectivity is to leverage what you already have in place, but then to make the different sources, applications, and internal teams work seamlessly together. That’s the problem that Datavant’s technology is designed to solve: our suite of tools enables companies to build the ultimate data connectivity platform.  

Key features of Datavant’s enterprise data connectivity solution

Datavant’s enterprise solution includes the ability to:

  • Explore potential partners in the rapidly growing health data ecosystem, with access to the largest network of sources, applications, platforms and users
  • Assess how datasets would complement each other when linked
  • Onboard and distribute data with compliance and control
  • De-identify data, by removing or transforming fields to minimize risk
  • Connect data, by generating encrypted IDs that can be matched at the individual level across datasets even when underlying PII has changed
  • Comply with HIPAA regulations every step of the way through industry experts and technology solutions
  • Activate and manage connected data projects, including controlling permissions, across your organization

New tools, including project management dashboards, enable data connectivity at scale:

Get a bird’s eye view of all the data connectivity projects happening across your organization

Drill down into specific projects to see current status of partner relationships

Our most successful enterprise customers use Datavant’s tools holistically to activate and manage many dozens of use cases across their organization. Each use case involves data flows with different users, data sources, and third-party platforms. Our tools enable customers to project manage this activity across the enterprise, defining goals and access permissions for each use case — like linking trial data with real-world data or bringing together disparate datasets for commercial analytics. This approach allows data and analytics leaders to manage dozens of complex connectivity projects at a glance.

Realize your data strategy, improve patient outcomes

Datavant can help you realize your enterprise data strategy by unlocking the full value of the data you already have. The value of enterprise-wide data connectivity is improved patient outcomes: more effective research and development, a deeper understanding of patient populations, and an enhanced ability to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of therapies.

Request a demo to explore how Datavant can power your enterprise data connectivity platform.


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