Right Partnerships are Paramount to Success When Migrating Health Data

Publish Date
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July 13, 2018
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“Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller
Healthjump data migration

Every day we see successful partnerships through technology including self-driving cars, mobile payment opportunities and appointment scheduling.

In the healthcare industry, technology is moving from the back seat to the front seat and driving change in the way information is accessed and dispensed. Previously, patient data was stored as silos of information depending on the established system at a hospital or other healthcare organizations. Nowadays, with EHRs, it’s essential to have a way to ensure the disparate systems can communicate with each other to deliver the best care and outcomes to patients.

The process of moving and accessing data from one system to another has always been a challenge, but it’s been even more prevalent over the past 10 years as organizations switch over to EHRs.

Change is constant and as hospitals acquire smaller family practices, the need to access and integrate patient records is a critical function. As medical practices are purchased, each one with their own EHR system, the challenge to connect to the hospital system and the ability to move data has become more prevalent.

Today’s standard structured process of using HL7 messaging can be successful for many companies. Admittedly, it is a rigid way of doing things and presents a challenge, particularly in the healthcare industry where physicians understandably may put the bulk of information from a patient into a free text field, instead of selecting designated fields for the information, which can create inconsistent data and compromised access.

Capturing the right data and moving it to the proper places can be tricky. How that data is moved and what type of data is accessed will determine its usefulness. A truly successful data migration does not disrupt workflow and does not take a long time to complete.

Data needs to be fluid. How data is moved and what type of data is accessed determines a truly successful data migration.

Partnering with the right company for data migration can be the difference between gaining usable data or simply just gaining data. Flexible technology, such as Healthjump, can pull data and properly source data from free text fields.

As any good partner knows, teamwork can get the job done faster.

Learn more about how Healthjump has helped to solve complex problems for their customers with a simple data transfer solution.

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