Healthjump's Data Management Assists COVID-19 Registries & Research

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March 1, 2021
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In the midst of the struggle against COVID-19, there have been major developments in the way the healthcare system uses and manages data. Many health organizations are required to keep track of the spread, symptoms and morbidity of COVID-19. 

Not all organizations have the technical capabilities to create these kinds of data collections. Even if they do, many don’t have a way to siphon through, share or subdivide the data. That is where services like Healthjump come in. Healthjump provides an easy way for organizations to create, share and manage data. 

Healthjump has been working side-by-side with organizations to help manage the enormous influx of COVID-19 data. Take a look at some of the ways that Healthjump has provided support in these unprecedented times.

DrChrono and COVID-19 Registries

To keep track of COVID-19 numbers and developments, healthcare organizations are required to send their data to state registries. These registries allow analysts at local, state, and federal levels to accumulate information on COVID-19. This data is then used to inform new policies, lockdown orders, vaccination protocols, and more. 

Healthcare organizations use EHR vendors to input all of their data. DrChrono, an EHR vendor, realized that their customers did not have the capability to send their data from the EHR to the state registries. DrChrono needed to find a quick solution to this pressing issue. Healthjump was able to step in and provide services to allow healthcare professionals to send their data.

Lack of ability to send EHR data is a common problem in healthcare. This is often because EHR vendors do not offer those capabilities, such as in the case of DrChrono. Healthjump provides the data sharing capabilities that healthcare providers need to effectively liquidate their data. 

COVID-19 Healthcare Research Databases

In addition to sharing healthcare data with registries, many organizations are conducting research on COVID-19 and require data management capabilities. Healthjump worked with many different organizations to provide these services. 

Here are just a few of the organizations that Healthjump assisted:

  • National Bureau of Economic Research: uses healthcare data to predict and manage the economic impact that COVID-19 currently has and will have on the United States. 
  • Columbia University: academic research on various aspects of COVID-19. 
  • Center for Disease Control: analyzed the use of pediatric services during COVID-19. Essentially created a report on the risks associated with bringing a child in for pediatric routine visits versus staying at home and using a telehealth service instead.

Healthjump has worked with many more organizations in a variety of capacities to liquidize data and make it more readily available. With the ability to aggregate, share, edit and siphon data, research becomes easier. 

COVID-19 and Healthcare: Innovations and Initiatives

Because of the rapid progression of COVID-19 and the healthcare industry as a whole, technology experts have had to improvise in tandem. Current issues such as diagnostic safety and telemedicine have encouraged health IT developers to innovate new ways in which medicine is practiced.

Healthjump’s data management platform is an example of this kind of innovation. This software is able to verify data and request accuracy, as well as back up verification, all through human inspection. Healthcare providers can use JumpCONNECT for quality assurance and app integration. EHR vendors and other healthcare IT developers can use JumpCONNECT for API interoperability. 

COVID-19 also raises implications about issues such as information blocking and how EHR vendors and healthcare providers can avoid blocking access to medical records. The implementation of the Cures Act provides the initiative for developers, such as Healthjump, to aid in the access, sharing and use of protected health information. 

Read more about the Cures Act and what information blocking really means.

Interoperability as the Future State of Medicine

Healthjump’s goal is to provide better interoperability among healthcare organizations. Many underestimate the power of interoperability and how it can save lives. When physicians and patients are able to easily access important electronic health information (EHI), then patients are able to receive better care. When healthcare systems gain better integration, then providers can begin to eliminate common errors that are due to a lack of interoperability. 

Healthjump and Data Management

Healthjump is the premier service for providing high quality data management. 

Take a look at some of the services offered by Healthjump:

  • Data extraction
  • Loading and storing
  • Quality control
  • API access
  • Integration
  • Data exportation

With the ability to integrate with the majority  of EHR vendors and other healthcare systems, Healthjump is the interoperability solution that many providers have been searching for. Not only can Healthjump provide necessary data management services, but they can also provide support for COVID-19 data accumulation. Whether you need to upload data to a state registry or you are completing medical research, Healthjump has the services that you need.

Contact us to learn more about Healthjump.

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