Powerful Data Logistic Solutions for Health Plans
From Awareness to Action: Championing Patient Data Access for Improved Outcomes
Linking Specialty Pharmacy Data for Commercial Success: The New World of Commercial Analytics
How to Find and Connect the Right Health Data for Stronger Predictive Analytics
Matching Patients Across Healthcare Databases
Datavant Connect: Tokenization software for health data
TEFCA: What’s Next for Healthcare Interoperability and Information Exchange
Calming Risk Adjustment's Rough "C"s: Capturing, Coding, Cross Checking & Complying
Are You Ready to Beat Denials? Let’s Talk About How You Can!
To improve patient care, Healthcare IT companies must understand what 'information blocking' is and how to comply with the Cures Act Final Rule.
Fast Facts on the Cures Act and Information Blocking
As the healthcare industry complies with the Cures Act to combat information blocking, it's important to understand why mere compliance may not be enough.
Information Blocking: Why Compliance With the Cures Act Isn’t Enough
Health IT companies not in compliance with the Cures Act will be charged a monetary penalty of $1M per violation. Here are 8 ways to ensure compliance.
8 Things To Do To Ensure Compliance With New Information Blocking Rule
Learn more about the importance of strong partnerships for starts up in the healthcare industry and tips for strengthening them.
The Importance Of Strong Partnerships For Healthcare Technology Startups
Interoperability in healthcare is an integral part of the patient experience and is paramount for patient safety and the care continuum.
The Impact of Healthcare Interoperability on Patient Safety
The U.S. healthcare system has been evolving at a furious pace, and we must remember to make integration planning a fundamental component of IT operations.
Building An Integration Plan For Health Data Exchange
Business Associate Agreements are a crucial component of healthcare practices' federal compliance efforts, but what if the vendor hires a subcontractor?
Should Healthcare Subcontractors Sign Business Associate Agreements?
The true cost of data integration is in how it's implemented. Hidden costs reveal why a good integration platform, like Healthjump, is necessary.
The True Cost Of Data Integration In Healthcare
Healthjump CTO & Founder, Cliff Cavanaugh was interviewed by eHealth Radio on the importance of a true health data record and preventing medical errors.
Healthjump CTO On The Importance Of A True Health Data Record
Healthjump is a registered developer in Epic's App Orchard program, an initiative that acts as a marketplace for Epic customers to find integrated apps.
An Olive Branch In Epic's App Orchard
The disparity between tech and data collection has never been greater in the healthcare. ONC certified vendors are providing EHR products and services.
Variation - The Enemy of Consistent Quality Data Collection
If you're on the fence about adopting your own EHR or patient portal system, these tales of success may be just what you need to push you over the edge.
Get Inspired By These EHR Success Stories
With doctors sending patients into vast care webs, there are opportunities for error. Take a look at these three common communication errors.
3 Common Inter-Office Communication Errors
APIs enable the seamless exchange of data between multiple platforms and practices.
How APIs Can Overcome Interoperability To Improve Patient Outcomes
The sad reality is that sometimes, a visit to the hospital or healthcare provider makes patients more sick.
Medical Mistakes That Could Have Been Prevented With More Data
Given the accelerating pace of new technology and the shifting regulatory environment, health care providers would be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed.
5 Health IT Trends to Focus on in 2016
The benefits of having access to your own health information are both numerous and proven.
3 Myths Standing Between You and Your Health Data
2015 has been a year of innovation in the Health IT industry. Here are how three of the biggest topics progressed.
2015: Health IT Year-End Review
Regulations and momentum will ensure that interoperability works its magic to improve healthcare outcomes.
Interoperability Will Make Life and Business Better
It's hard to trust a website when you don't understand what the security standards mean. Get some peace of mind that Healthjump is secure.
Privacy and Security of Information at Healthjump
Patient health data and financial information are two attractive and lucrative targets for cybercriminals.
How To Prevent a Data Breach
When the American Medical Association and a team of researchers recently tested commonly used EHRs, they found that most had mediocre usability at best.
Usability Still an Issue for Many EHRs
Data aggregation is the holy grail for some large health networks and accountable care organizations.
5 Ways Big Data Can Help Big Health Networks
Being able to seamlessly and securely transfer patient data between different software applications remains the holy grail of health IT.
How Will APIs Boost Interoperability for Patient Data?
Keeping all of your healthcare and provider information organized and secure isn't only challenging, it can also be the difference in care quality.
Top 4 Reasons You Need A Personal Health Record
Interoperability is still an Achilles heel for many EHRs.
Interoperability Still a Challenge in Healthcare IT
Big data and analytics have the potential to change patient lives.
4 Ways Analytics Empower Practices to Achieve Better Patient Outcomes
As the health IT landscape continues to evolve, the ease of communicating between practices is increasing.
Secure Communications are a Top Concern for Medical Practices
Healthjump is now an accepted business in the MIT Startup Exchange program.
Healthjump Accepted into the MIT Startup Exchange
This MIT student who discovered his own tumor exemplifies how data is the future of health care.
The Healing Power of Health Care Information
A new report on EHRs sheds some light on their shortcomings and offers suggestions for improvement.
Report Provides Insight for Improving EHRs
Swapping electronic health record systems isn't as easy as exchanging a sweater at the store, but it may someday be as common.
Physicians Are Unhappy With Their EHRs, Survey Reveals
Healthjump CEO Martin Aboitiz weighs in on the true barriers that are impeding the exchange of medical records.
Barriers to the Exchange of Medical Records
The debate on whether Meaningful Use has hurt or helped Healthcare IT is complex and will not be easily concluded.
Meaningful Use and EHRs: A Symbiotic or Parasitic Relationship?
Incomplete electronic health records can be detrimental to the continuum of care as physicians struggle to piece together new patients' medical histories.
Research Underscores Importance of Patient-Generated Data
Delivering on the value of digital health data
Delivering on the Value of Digital Health Data
In recent months, many healthcare organizations have expressed concerns over the Meaningful Use attestation reporting period for 2015.
CMS Proposes Rule To Shorten Attestation Period for Meaningful Use
A post from our CEO on the inception of Healthjump.
The Birth of Healthjump, Connecting What Is Disconnected