Datavant and Samooha Collaborate to Unlock New Use Cases through Data Connectivity and Clean Room Technologies

Publish Date
September 28, 2023

Today, we’re excited to announce a collaboration with Samooha, a cutting-edge technology company specializing in secure data collaboration, to enable organizations to share and analyze de-identified, tokenized data in Samooha’s clean rooms. Our work together aims to unlock the full potential of clean room technology for de-identified data analysis and AI/ML workloads to drive healthcare research and innovation.

Clean Rooms: The Future of Secure Health Data Exchange

Data clean rooms are controlled and secure virtual environments where organizations manage and analyze sensitive data while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and data protection standards. These environments are particularly important for healthcare organizations, who have a need to both share sensitive patient data for research and analytics in a manner that maximizes control, security, and compliance.

In the past few years, we’ve observed strong growth in clean room offerings by multiple cloud providers. Customers are looking for secure, frictionless data collaboration solutions that work with their cloud services for health data storage and analytics.

Samooha’s Scalable and User-Friendly Analytics Infrastructure

Samooha’s user-friendly infrastructure for analytics makes clean rooms scalable and accessible to multiple users within an enterprise. Samooha also brings compute capabilities to the data, eliminating the need for organizations to copy their data for analytics or collaboration with other data providers. This approach ensures data remains secure and protected within the confines of the clean room environment, reducing the risk of data breaches and providing compliance with privacy regulations. Additionally, Samooha enables AI/ML workloads to run on data stored across cloud providers (e.g., Azure, AWS, GCP, Snowflake), unlocking cross-cloud collaboration.

Pairing Datavant’s Connectivity Tools with Samooha Clean Rooms

With this joint collaboration, organizations can leverage Datavant’s suite of connectivity tools to compliantly de-identify and tokenize their datasets, then associate the data to a Samooha clean room. Datavant tokens act as the identity resolution layer within the clean room, enabling the secure analysis of patient data across disparate datasets within Samooha clean rooms while protecting patient privacy.

  • Data sources can maintain better control over how their data is queried, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected
  • This level of control enables organizations to more easily share data, facilitating cross-functional collaboration while maintaining strict governance and privacy controls
  • Customers can train AI models or execute queries across disparate datasets, without the need to directly access or duplicate the data
  • Samooha works across cloud providers, unlocking new collaborations between data sources and users without the need to move data from where it resides

By leveraging Datavant’s de-identification technology paired with Samooha’s clean room technology and advanced analytics infrastructure, customers can unlock cross-cloud secure collaboration, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.


Combining the power of clean room infrastructure with data connectivity tools can unlock valuable health insights, accelerate research and development, and improve patient outcomes. This collaboration represents a new stage for data analytics in healthcare: protecting patient privacy and reducing data movement, all while enabling artificial intelligence and advanced analytics across disparate health datasets.

Find additional details from Samooha’s blog post.

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